//////////  make a translation of the the odyssey and the iliad 
Why study Greek architecture? 
Hellenization or Hellenism? Discuss.
Did the ancient Greeks have a concept of what modern societies call an economic system? 
How important was the relation between religion and law in Archaic and/or Classic Greece?
‘ The judgment of antiquity about wealth was fundamentally unequivocal and uncomplicated. Wealth was necessary and it was good; it was an absolute requisite for the good life; and on the whole that was all there was to it’. Do you agree?
How was citizenship conceptualized in Ancient Greece?
Who ran democratic Athens?
‘We do not need to read Hesiod to understand Homer, but we do need to read Homewer to understand Hesiod’. Is this a fair assessment?
Is there a distinctly presocratic poetics?
Discuss the relationship of the Lesbian poets to the epic tradition.
‘ Truth claims are at the heart of archaic and classical Greek literature’. Discuss.
‘Comic rhetoric is the opposite of tragic rhetoric’. Do you agree?
What role do locality and regionalism pay in Greek literature? 
Discuss Callimachus’ language and style in its contemporary context. 
Did Aristotle have a coherent human anthropology?
Discuss women’s voices in Hellenistic epigrams. 

Did Greek Jewish literature exist? 

‘Prose and poetry in the Hellenistic period are closer to each other than in the classical period’. Discuss.  

Is koine Greek a useful concept to understand post-Classical Greek? 

Should Atticism be defined as a form of linguistic standardization, prescriptivism, or purism or what? 

How does the language of the Septuagint contribute to our knowledge of Greek as language, classical Greek included? 

To what extent does context influence language and identity choices? Discuss with reference to the ancient Greek world. 

In what ways has network theory advanced our understanding of the Ancient Greek world? 

How ‘Greek’ were the Hellenized peoples of Roman Asia Minor? 

How did different Hellenistic local elites experience and negotiate their place in a world of competing ‘global’ empires? 

What was the civic role of bishops in early Christianity? 

Can we speak of a distinctive politics of Christian charity in the Eastern Roman empire? 

Did the Greeks have a concept of sin? 

What was the role of literacy in the early Church? 

What can the study of portable votive offerings contribute to our understanding of Greek sanctuaries? 

Is there a future for survey archaeology in Greece? 

What if anything did ancient Greeks understand by the notion of portraiture? 

Homeric archaeology – a contradiction in terms? 

How may we approach the nature and value of labor in the Greek world from the material record?

Is the study of ancient Greek sculpture only a matter for art historians?
How should we understand the concept of honour (timê) in Greek society?
Is it possible to access ‘popular culture’ in the Greek world?
What do we know about ancient Greek atheism?
Discuss narrative and stylistic strategies in Greek lyric poetry, paying particular attention to how they relate to lyric’s central preoccupation with the articulation of the self.
How does rhetoric relate to characterisation in Greek tragedy?
Without Athenian sources, what would a history of the Greek world look like?
What did it mean to be ‘Greek’ under the Roman empire?
What can Greek vase painting contribute to our knowledge of Greek homoerotic culture?
What was the economic impact of the expansion of the Hellenistic world?
‘For Homer, as for a child, the most ordinary things in daily life are profoundly interesting’ (DENNISTON). Discuss.
According to ancient philosophers, was it ever possible for friendship to exist between men and women?
What do proxeny decrees tell us about social structures in the Greek world and beyond?
What was the role of vernacular languages in the spread of early Christianity across the empire?
How did Greek and Latin speakers interpret and understand hieroglyphs?
How and why did Greek understandings of the underworld change over time?
How can we access the female experience of Greek medicine and medical practices?
Can we see a reception of Latin literature in the Greek literary culture of the imperial period?
‘Dreams belonged not to a baffling private universe but to the public sphere’ (SIMON PRICE). What can we learn about social life from Artemidorus’ On the Interpretation of Dreams?
Why do we have so many translations of Homer and Sappho, while so many other Greek texts remain overlooked?
What have recent developments in archaeology taught us about the nature of Greek colonization?
Can historians of the ancient Greek world do ‘Global History’?
What does the study of Greek onomastics tell us about Greek culture and society?
‘One needed to know how to worship the gods in ways pleasing to them; one did not need to know precisely what these gods were like. The ability to carry on without such knowledge was a defining characteristic of Greek untheological religion.’ (ROBERT PARKER). Do you agree?
‘When confronted with Homeric epic, it makes little sense to draw a line between composition and reception according to strict principles.’ Discuss.
Did ‘classical Greek’ as language ever exist?
In which ways does human poetry tell us about the human makeup according to Aristotle?
‘Aristophanes’ imagistic characters evoke reality through discontinuity, inversion or reversal.’ (MICHAEL SILK). Discuss.
Why did Plato think that statecraft coincides with soulcraft?
How should we understand the concept of federalism in the Greek world?
Can we speak of a sacral economy in Archaic to Hellenistic Greece?
Has focus on the symposium impeded our understanding of Greek commensality?
How and why were cults transmitted in the Greek world?
For Greek poleis, autonomia was at most an aspiration. Discuss.
How may we trace enslaved people in the material record?