[Coins from antiquity are uniquely valuable . . . for the light they throw on all sorts of questions that other sources cannot readily answer] (M. KULIKOWSKI). Discuss.

[Satura tota nostra est], (QUINTILIAN). Discuss.
What if Jovian (d. 364) had survived?
Discuss our sources for the development of Latin orthography.
Why was didactic literature so often in verse?
Who started the war, Mithridates or the Romans?
Why did no Hellenistic kingdom manage to defeat the Romans?
[To contemplate the Roman people as if it were a single person], (FLORUS). Why did Romans conceptualize their history with an organic metaphor?
Why did aristocratic women write centos?
Who is the most important Roman historian and why is it Sallust?
Did everyone love Marcus Aurelius?
What was wrong with Volusius Annales?
Have metapoetical interpretations gone too far?
Does prosimetrum do anything verse and prose dont?
Was there regional variation in Latin literature?
Did Carausius actually have an insulae imperium?
[Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli] (PROPERTIUS). What is the connexion between transmission and reception?
What is distinctive about the portraiture of Julia Domna?
What was the rationale for Junian Latinity?
Is there a Tiberian literature?
What are Horace’s Epistles?
[Et spes et ratio studiorum in Caesare tantum], (JUVENAL). Discuss.
What does material evidence tell us about the politics of the Roman empire in the third century?
Does Livy’s preface inspire confidence in his history?
What would a Stoic historiography look like?
Why did Platonists write commentaries on Aristotle?
When Martial says [Lesbia dictavit, docte Catulle, tibi] how literally should we take it?
What was the Antonine wall for?
Describe Latin Asianism.
How reliably do manuscripts transit informal Latin?
What are our sources for the reigns of Nerva and Trajan?
What does archaeology teach us about Roman gardens that literary sources do not?
Is regionalism a useful concept for Roman nautical archaeology?
Did taxation make or break the Empire?
What are advances in the study of DNA able to offer the Roman archaeologist?
Why, given how important they were, do Enniuss Annales not survive?
How and why was literary style political in the late Republic and early Empire?
Do we witness the experience of enslaved peoples on the Roman stage?
Was there ever any point to writing philosophy in Latin?
When were western provincials Roman?
Was Roman culture ever secular?
What makes a Roman city Roman?
Does the tabula Lugdunensis help us to understand Claudius and the Gauls?
Why did the revolts in the first century of the Empire fail?
What changed in 212 CE?
Were women in the Roman world linguistic innovators or traditionalists?
What does the tau gallicum tell us about bilingualism?
Did Roman historical linguistics exist?
Whats in a Roman name?
Were late antique monasteries about religion?
Who is right about the adventus Saxonum?
Can we ever study Roman expansion without the baggage of modern imperialism?
What do you see as the most important current directions in the study of urbanism in the Roman world?
4. Is Latin literature colonial?
How differently would Virgils Aeneid read if we did not have Homer?
[Rome will exist as long as the Colosseum does; when the Colosseum falls, so will Rome; when Rome falls, so will the world.] (BEDE). Discuss.
Did a merchant class exist in the Roman world?
[Senecas tragedies do not add anything to our understanding of his philosophy.] Is that true?
Is there a consistent persona in Horace’s lyric?
Can we speak of a distinctively Livian political philosophy?
Sermo constat ratione uetustate auctoritate consuetudine (language is based on reason, age, authority, and usage). QUINTILIAN, Institutio oratoria. Discuss with examples from Latin literary and/or documentary texts.
According to the French historian Paul Veyne, euergetism and Christianity stand in clear opposition to one another. Is this really so?
Discuss the authority of the law and its relationship to human nature within Roman culture.
Can we speak of Roman Greece before Augustus came to power?
Why has the study of Roman and Greek pottery developed so differently?